June 2013 Vibrations

Written By: Lovell Rowser

Copyright 2013


Included in June 2013 are the numbers 666. The calendar dates in June which hold the 666 vibration are the 6th, 15th, and 24th. Each of those dates vibrate with number 9 esoteric day vibration with some heavy psychic, sexual, male and female energy. On the dates the female hold the air and earth elements, while the males must adhere with their fire element.For everyone, monitor your blood pressure in June 2013. Strokes and heart attacks fall under the 6 and 9 vibrations. Be aware though of your individual responsibilities on this planet.

June 2013 is intense because the 6th calendar months crosses the number 6 universal year. Both of the same numbers added, actually doubled causes stress and great tension through the number 12/3.To be continued………